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About us

We are a family owned business and have been in existence since 2006. We pride ourselves by making you feel right at home and you are guaranteed an unforgettable stay.

The Umngazana Area has been home to our family for many generations dating back to 1742. We were proud to, include an insert from the book. The Sunburnt Queen, whereby the author Hazel Crompton eloquently records events documenting our family history and her stay in Umngazana


The owner of the Umngazana trading store, Bryan Haynes, has taken a more reconciliatory approach, naming his shop Codesa, in honor of the conference that ended apartheid rule. He claims to be descended from a survivor of the Grosvenor, the East Indianmen wrecked at Lambasi a few decades after Bessie, through his maternal grandmother, whose maiden name was Berry.

I checked the ships crew list for him and found that a seaman called Charles Berry had in fact survived the wreck and was left by his comrades on the south bank of the Mtata after swimming across the river with three others…

It is quite feasible that Charles Berry the castaway survived among and joined the local people, raised his family there, from which Bryan is descendant